project: The University of Denver

Strategy / Art Direction / Copywriting / Video Production / Client Relations

The University of Denver wanted to engage with a larger percentage of their alumni across the United States – especially those alumni who hadn’t connected with the school for more than two years. In response to that challenge, we used data to create a comprehensive advertising campaign that created multi-platform touch points that alumni could interact with. We worked with a data visualization company to create an immersive website experience where alumni could see how many alumni were in their community or other communities across the country. 

We drove traffic to that experience with engaging digital creative and fun animated videos. Ultimately, we wanted to give University of Denver alumni something unique and worthwhile to consume. Providing that would encourage them to return to both the data visualization website and the standard alumni website. The result of the campaign exceeded benchmarks set forth by the university for engagement.

email creative

data-driven website experience

vignette videos

digital creative